Friday, 5 September 2014


I love that sound.

The sound of total silence that signals the end of the working week. Boy did I long for it this week - it has been pure hell.

I came home late last night, wanting nothing more than a shower and a duvet, only to find that Adam had invited friends over before a night on the town. Don't get me wrong, I love a good party as much as the next person but I usually like to be given a head's up. Oh, and preferably not midweek. Being ever polite, I said hi to the few that had already arrived, cooked my tea and headed on upstairs. Next thing I know, I'm being harassed by drunken people, running up and down the stairs shouting 'Hi Wayne'. I don't even know these people and it riled me. Anyway, a few harsh words have been exchanged between us over the past day and I've been chastised for being anti-social ever since. I can live with that; after all, it wouldn't be far wrong. We can't all be the same - there isn't enough solitude to go around us all.

Amidst the chaos, work has made me chuckle somewhat today. There is something about a frantic period that brings colleagues together. You're all suffering the same way and it's as if you all search for common ground. That common ground is almost always humour. I've spoken with clueless dinner ladies, scatty school business managers, angry parents and I even found myself trying to convince a child to pass the phone to their 'mummy'. Though tiring tumultuous and unrelenting, the humour always manages to shine through. I'm exhausted yet I'm happy - life could be worse.

Adam has the weekend off and, provided we actually start communicating, it will be spent recharging, forcing out this nasty head cold and hopefully grabbing a nice relaxed coffee or two in town. I really should start thinking about going down to Cambridge to see my Dad - he turned 60 last week and I haven't seen him in a while. I do worry about him down there on his own but from what I've heard, he is starting to get back into his old social routine that was left behind when he met his last partner. I've said it countless times but I really do think that leaving her was one of the best things he has ever done - it's just a shame that it caused such a major upheaval in his life (moving back, buying a new house etc etc). I do hate the fact that I live so far away and I've always said that I would move back down south in a heartbeat but it isn't just my life I'm affecting any more, there's Adam's and therefore by default, his family's. Who knows, maybe someday?

I have time I guess and, for now, life is good.

1 comment:

Steve Reed said...

I'm sure your harsh words with Adam will dissipate like the mist. I can understand why you'd be upset, being surprised by people in your house when you're tired.

As for moving, that is always a difficult call! Perhaps making a pledge to visit often would do the trick. That's what I've done -- and I live across an ocean from my (much older) parents!